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Our Priorities
Our Vision:
Our Mission:
Our Values:

Our Priorities
Our Vision
In Hamilton, all people living with FASD have the opportunity to lead full and productive lives as valued and contributing members of the community.
Our Mission
The Hamilton FASD Collaborative exists to prevent FASD, and to build an integrated, evidence-informed system that offers accessible services and life-long supports for people affected by FASD.
Our Values
(Adopted from the Nishnawbe Aski Nation)
Promote Hope
Show Respect
Have Understanding
Have Compassion
Develop Cooperation
Our Priorities October 2019-2022
Ensure better, more consistent information for caregivers
Develop a common understanding amongst key service systems/ providers about how to work together
Energize the Hamilton FASD Collaborative
Build diagnostic capacity to ensure early intervention
Focus on prevention
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